Monday, October 31, 2016

Being a new mommy!

I know what you're thinking...How hard can it be being a mom? You have a baby, you change its diapers, feed it and wallah!.. Incorrect, it has its challenges and it's not at all peaches and cream...especially as a single parent.

I'm not a single parent however, it does feel like it at times. Especially, when your husband is a work for 12 hours a day. You're taking care of the baby and when he gets home... he's pretty much exhausted and ready for bed..then the cycle repeats its self. So the answer to it is... How do I manage being a new mom? 


Make a schedule..
Not just a schedule for the baby eating and sleeping time but a schedule for you and your spouse. 
A schedule helps keeps things in order. It aligns your daily rituals. It simple and makes things easier! As for me and my husband he cleans the bottles and gets the baby a bottle during the night. I know what you're thinking... "You make him get up in the night and he has work in the morning?"  Yes! What works for him and I, might not work for you. We pretty much wake up at the same time to get things in order. When he leaves for work my day begins. 

Penelope schedules goes a little like this...
6 am- Feeding
8 am- Wakes up/ eat solid food
9 am- Play time
10 am- First nap
12 pm -Wakes up/ eat solid food 
12:30 pm- Learning time
1 pm- Play time
2 pm- Second nap
7:30 pm- Sleep for the night

Keep in mind my baby is 9 months, so it does varies for each child.

I would've went  more into detail, but she's a baby and it isn't much going on right now.

Stay Focused

It can get a little discouraging when your baby is fussy and it seem like you can get much work done. In the beginning maybe the first month or two, you need to sleep when the baby is  sleeping. Now that doesn't mean, EVERY TIME  the baby sleep, you sleep... Because they are babies and that's what they do, you on the other hand are an adult. Adults take responsibility and make things happen. With that being said, you have to cook, clean, wash etc. Don't allow the baby to drain all of your energy, so that you can get back into the swing of things. Also, don't let this down time keep your passion away. Maybe start journaling, blogging, vlogging, or keeping a scrap book to keep you occupied.

Get help!
It's easier said then done, especially when everyone works during the day. Try having  grandparents over to help cook dinner the first few weeks, or maybe even help fold laundry. Having a newborn can take a lot of energy so any help is always good. Also be appreciative of the assistance, and show your gratitude... Simply, by writing them a little note or making dessert.

Hope this was helpful. Please leave a comment!

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